Saturday, March 19, 2011

Natural Cure For Acid Reflux

Natural Cure For Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Natural Cure

Posted: 18 Mar 2011 02:25 AM PDT

Acid Reflux Natural Cure

Acid reflux in layman’s term is a health where gastric juices containing acid travels back to the stomach lining into the esophagus. Symptoms of this include (1) heartburn or when there exists a burning feeling from the stomach to the lower check up to the neck (2) regurgitation or bringing the food back into the mouth (3) chest pain (4) dysphagia or strangeness in swallowing (5) asthma because gastric juices can go straight through the throat or air duct blocking the normal ways of air.


How do you get acid reflux?

People who touch this all the time have a health called gastroesophageal reflux disease or Gerd. This often occurs when the food gets only partially digested by the enzymes and stomach acid. Instead of the digested food passing straight through the normal route which is the small intestine, the partially digested food goes back to the esophagus resulting to damage and inflammation. This often happens because of smoking cigarettes, eating chocolates and fatty food and drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks. Patients with a lot of acid are more prone to this health especially when they lie down. On an additional one note, pregnant and obese people are more susceptible due to growth pressured within the abdomen pushing the food back into the esophagus.

How do you treat acid reflux naturally?

An acid reflux natural cure, apples are considered an productive treatment because it has acid neutralizing properties and you can eat as many as you want without the equivalent side effects. an additional one natural cure is apple cider vinegar. It has proven calming effects on stomach. Third is aloe vera which is popular in Europe because it eases irritation in the esophagus caused by acid reflux. A base acid reflux natural cure is baking soda. Baking soda neutralizes acid thus reducing heart burns. Lastly, ginger has been used long ago for acid indigestion.

However, to cure your acid reflux is impossible if you do not take any action now. Day-to-day your problem is going to be worse. I know the “Secret” that has changed my life forever within 2 weeks, but I cannot tell the whole things in this site.

Follow this link, if you need to see what the “Secret” is: Cure Acid Reflux Today

Visit : Holistic Remedies For Acid Reflux.

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